Summary of this page " general terms of partnership " for the : ( click for fast access )

Terms of partnership for the

lingua italiana idioma español
  • "Accomodation" and
  • "Hotels" and
  • "Providers of access in sport and / or cultural structures"

We develop a coherent commercial concept.
Besides, you can, always, to submit us your commission rate....

  • The prices " Package " are similar to those practiced by the Tour operators in each of the countries of a currency chosen by the vacationer.
    We align on the best prices, the best offers...
    Quality-price ratio.
    Quality is the prime of our services
    . ( Since many years, our customers declare themselves " satisfied ". )
  • The prices " à la carte " are similar to those practiced by local providers in " direct line " sales ... either public prices.
  • The prices " Last Minute" : You fix the public ( about 40% less than the normal price ).
    The commission is, also, fixed by you. The booking is directly transmitted to you . You realize by your self, according to your wish, the payment of the customer. The supply of the product " last minute " takes place under your whole responsibility .

Through us, 4 diffusion channels are available : You are free to choose those of which you want to benefit.

  • the " Travel Agencies " ( independent of us ) official, commissioned dealers
    ( commission from 10 to 15 %, in relation to the prices of our site internet ).
  • our website trhough our public "booking forms" .
    ( expenses of management of payment by credit card and changes : 7%, service of control )
  • our groups - clubs ( independent of us ) taking advantage of special conditions.
    ( free "leaders", free "guides" and other advantages: officially minimum 4 - 5%, close to 10 % all disconcerted expenses ( ex : sponsorship ))
  • the " incentives " , " Enterprise Committee " and other welfare departments of enterprises ( independent of us )

Other inherent expenses of WORLD TOUR, in order to estimate the commission that you wish to give us......
World Tour, Belgian society, situated : rue du Jardin Botanique, 11, B-4000 Liège - Belgium,
Lic A 5032, RCLg 207230, TVA 450.319.827, includes in its prices, legally, inevitably :
  • a VAT about 2-3 %
  • an insurance " against the insolvency, of about 2-3 %
  • its affiliation to different organisms : OCA (resale of travel insurance ), Professional Union of travel agents, ...
  • Corporation tax and different taxes.
  • its expenses of management and service charges ( development and promotion of the website ), and, of promotion...

Under Construction

What commission to concede to World Tour
  • According to the number of channels of diffusion ( to your choice ) that you wish to see us taking in charge : 15 - 20 - 25 % or more.
  • According to the degree of promotion that you wish, you can add a percentage ( to estimate together )..
  • According to the " cost of living " in your region and the necessary competitiveness or fame of your products in relation to the different other tourist, regional, European or world destinations,... you can imagine, maybe, of the subsidies coming from official organisms (region, department, office of tourism, town hall, chamber of commerce ...).

Conditions particulières :
  • According to our written agreement, we transmit you, in an agreed delay, our done sales.
    You confirm us your booking, by return.
  • You determine yourself the " allotements ", the capacities " one request ", the delays of retrocession...
    You won't allow "overbooking", against us, in case of "allotement" OR after confirmation of booking in case of "on request."
  • With the passing of the calendar, you inform us of the evolution of your prices offers (ex: "Last Minute" or temporary, promo, action, targeted on a geographical market or on a type of consumers).
    We will pass on, according to your choice, these offers to our partners ( travel agencies or groups,... ) and to our potential customers.
    In order to amplify your " offer effect ".
  • The first local provider control ( for a last time ) the identity and the coordinates of credit card of the vacationer.

General terms of partnership for a " Travel agency " : lingua italiana idioma español english language deutsche Sprache nederlandse taal
Because of the practices on " internet ": Our conditions, present here, will be evolutionary.
The "meaningful" modifications will be colored in red color during 15 days ( since the date of apparition in brackets ) .
Some client vacationers will never want to leave you and to use " internet "...
Here is the first realized site for the Travel agents and specifically for the Independent.
Noble and quick strengths of the Profession. Here, your role of " travel adviser " achieves itself fully.
We offer you a convivial, logical, actual, profitable and free tool, which wants to be in perpetual development.
Thank you in advance for your adherence, your understanding and your advices.

1 - Winter sport holidays :

PREAMBLE : With your code, you will be able to reach an increasing number of pages with offers and information whose will be reserved, exclusively by us and all professional others of the sectors, for you !

1a - Sales with commission of "World Tour International" :


WORLD TOUR INTERNATIONAL - Winter sport vacations - with bank domiciliation payment
Type A ( currently all offer )
Type B
Type C
% Commission
% Commission
% Commission
1 - 5
6 - 50
51 - 150
151 - 300
+ 300
1 - 10
11 - 100
101 - 300
301 - 600
+ 600
1 - 20
21 - 200
201 - 600
601 - 1200
+ 1200
Agency without bank domicilation : - 1 %
The public " promo " discounts ( for the offers directly booked by the customer-traveler on the site ) are not available to the sales via travel agencies... These reductions allow us to remain competitive, in relation to the "direct sales " of the stations or by the " student organisations ".
Special conditions for the groups can be agreed to you, on request. Contact us. Thank you.
These commissions cannot be added to any other reduction or discount.

1b - Sales of products of other T.O., Travel Agencies, local suppliers, with commission :
The names of these will appear to the screen or will be communicated to you before confirmation..
under construction
1c - Sales of products with commission of "World Tour International" with the tariff "Last Minute" :
under construction
1d - WT is in understocking. We can buy you your similar products :
It is possible that we fell in understocking of " allotement "...
We won't fail to call on your capacities, if you want it...
The commission will be reciprocally the same !
1e - Your products interest us, we can introduce them in our palette of product ( under your name / logo ) :
Do you have the products whose can complete our palette of products ? Propose them us...
Especially if you feel, in us, a same philosophy of development of products. Your knowledge to make them is inimitable !
Send us, your projects, realizations or booklets. Thank you in advance.
Procedure of booking of one of your custumer - travelers ( wintersport ).
Notice : Before booking the prices can evolve, according to the market.
At our " acceptance " of the booking , the price is guaranteed to the customer in conformity of the general terms of sales to the customer. t.
  • You have us ask a code of "Travel agent" access and you've got it !
  • You click on" Booking ", in the station of the customer's choice.
    By that way, you can also do a calculation of budget before booking, in order to know the best of the tariffs ( " à la carte " or " package " ) to choose. Then you just need to click " abandon " ( no validation ).
    When the choice is established and the replenishment,... correct,... you validate.
    Advice : To the difference of the tariff " à la carte ",... in tariff " packages ", it is not necessary to encode the names and addresses of the vacationer to calculate his/her budget... but well to book !
  • Don't especially omit to indicate our "code of access" of Travel Agent or Tour Operator.
  • Ask your customer-traveler to put money for a deposit (cfr what follows)..
  • Simple ! No ? No more paper ( very " ecological ! " ) and it is fast... In case of difficulty, contact us by email ( with in the " object - purpose " your code of access, your name and the mention" for Philippe ". We will treat with emergency your demand. ) or by telephone at 00 32 422 239 89. Thank you in advance.

Methods of payment ( wintersport )
for the" Customer Vacationer " via / to the Travel Agency :
Booking more than one month before the departure :
The customer pays you 150 € or 6.000 BEF or 1.000 FRF or 240 CHF or 150 $USD or 250 CAD ( or equivalent in the totality ) at his/her signature of his/her " Booking Demand Form ".
The balance must be paid you by the customer in the 5 workdays after the receipt of our booking confirmation.
Booking less than one month before the departure :
The customer must pay for the entire amount of his/her travel at the signature of his/her " Booking Demand Form ".
In case of impossibility for us, to deliver a confirmation of booking within the 5 workdays, the customer will be able to be repaid, to his/her demand, of his/her only advances.
( A confirmation of booking is not the document automatically displayed by our site web, following your demand of booking. The confirmation will be transmitted you only by recommanded express postal mail ( or express )).
Notice : the eventual local " taxes of stays ", are payable on place, by the customer, for the tariffs " à la carte " and " last minute ".

for the " Travel Agent " :
You give us your warranty and you keep the responsability of the payments done by the customer to you.
These payments remain us due even though " no transferred " already by you to us.
Your payments will be deducted of your minimum commission.
At the end of season, a summary will be done by our care.
Domiciliation : The withdrawal of your account will be done 7 days after our consignment, to your address, of the confirmation of booking or "vouchers" for the customer and our " domiciliation advice ". In any case before the customer's departure.
In case of insolvency of the banking account or where stay the domiciliation, we will see ourselves free of all obligation of service and the indemnities of one-sided cancellation by the customer, remain due to us.
Banking transfer : The total amount should arrive us in 15 days that follow our consignment, to your address, of the confirmation of booking or "vouchers" for the customer. In any case before the customer's departure.
In case of delay of payment, we will see ourselves free of all obligation of service and the indemnities of one-sided cancellation by the customer, remain due to us.

Notice :
In case of booking more than 45 days before the customer's departure, an invoice of deposit will be addressed to the agency and payable.
The failure to the respect of one of these terms makes us free of all service obligation.
The one-sided cancellation clause by the customer will be applied ( loss of the deposit for the customer ).

Particular Terms ( wintersport )
Règle générale : Some written confidential terms can be taken between us. All cannot be published here !.
Reserves : Mistakes of price, translation or writing can subsist. Thank you to warn us, possibly by email.

Of course ... We won't doorstep your customers .
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